The Emirgan Hamid-i Evvel Mosque - today commonly known as the Emirgan Mosque - was commissioned by Adülhamid I in 1781 in the memory of his son Mehmed, who died at a young age, and his wife Hümâşah. ...
The Fatih Mosque was built by Mehmed the Conqueror on the hill that had been occupied by the Havariyun Church during the Byzantine period. Its construction began in 1462 and finished in 1470. ...
The Hagia Sophia was constructed three different times on the same spot and carries the distinction of being the largest Byzantine Church built in Istanbul. ...
Built between 1734-1735, the Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa Mosque was commissioned by Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa, who was the Ottoman Grand Vizier on three different occasions. ...
The Hırka-i Şerif Mosque, located in the district of Atikali, was built in 1851 on the orders of Sultan Abdülmecid with the goal of protecting and exhibiting the cloak given to Uwais al-Qarani by the Prophet Muhammad. ...
Located on İstiklal Caddesi, the Hüseyinağa Mosque was built by its namesake, one of the ağas of Galatasaray, in 1596. Above the entrance door to its courtyard is found an octagonal plaque with the seal of Mahmud II. ...
The Karadavut Mosque was built by one of the Grand Viziers of Bayezid II, Davut Pasha, in 1505. It was rebuilt in 1868 after being destroyed in a fire. ...