Ortaköy: Jacket potato

Meaning middle village in English, Ortaköy is located at Beşiktaş district, in the middle of European side of Bosphorus. Had an important place in daily life throughout the history, Ortaköy has always been a cosmopolitan district.

Meaning middle village in English, Ortaköy is located at Beşiktaş district, in the middle of European side of Bosphorus. Had an important place in daily life throughout the history, Ortaköy has always been a cosmopolitan district.

Above its beautiful views of Bosphorus and the bridge, Ortaköy hosts numerous cafés, restaurants, night clubs and historical sites such as Ortaköy Mosque and Esma Sultan Mansion.
Ortaköy is one of the popular neighborhood around Istanbulites and tourists. For a brunch by the sea, a tea or coffee break under the old sycamore trees Ortaköy seems to be a perfect spot.

Above all these choices, Ortaköy is famous with its kumpir, jacket potato. There are a number of stalls or small shops making these delicious dish. Wrapped with foil and baked in special ovens, the potatoes are cut from the middle and insides are mixed with butter and yellow cheese. After this, all sorts of food can be added like mayonnaise, pickles, mushrooms or sausages. At Ortaköy, you can find a numerous selection of ingredients and have your custom made jacket potato.

Buying Selling
USD 32.4747 32.5332
EURO 34.8231 34.8859