6th Jazz in Ramadan

Turkey's first and only "Jazz in Ramadan" festival July 4 to 11 times between 6 to music lovers meet.

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Turkey’s first & only festival  “Jazz in Ramadan” will meet with music lovers b/w 4-11 July. The festival’s third concert will be hosted by Uniq in Istanbul, on the grass, forest nesting It offers an exquisite outdoor concert experience.

Jazz in Ramadan, July 4 Saturday, the Roman Jazz movement in Turkey will begin with the legendary pioneers and Okay Temiz and Gypsy Orchestra will give the audience an unforgettable evening.

Anticipated, “Only Lovers Left Alive,” who gained fame with the song in the film and said the acclaimed Yasmine Hamdan The concert will be on July 5 Sunday Uniq Open Air Theatre.

Jazz in Ramadan, July 9 Thursday, the famous French novel of the best representatives of the jazz tradition Pier Blanchard & Gypsy Jazz Quartet violinist will be encountered again by popular demand!.

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USD 32.3091 32.3673
EURO 34.623 34.6854