Flying Fruit Fly Circus

Ordinary Kids Doing Extraordinary Things!

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Zorlu Center, Beşiktaş

Phone 0090 850 222 67 76

Ordinary Kids Doing Extraordinary Things!

The Flying Fruit Fly Circus comes to Istanbul for a magical show for anyone with a love of circus, dance and physical theatre.

Circus Under My Bed will draw you into the imagination of a young girl spending a final night in her bedroom before moving away. What follows is an enthralling mix of old-world circus, vaudeville and classic story-telling for young people and families. As the lights go out she dreams up a circus world of whimsical characters who help her face her fears and turn packing-up into an adventure you won’t want to end. The young performers of the ‘Fruities’ – Australia’s world-famous national youth circus – are aged from just 9 to 19, their daring feats and skillful trickery will enchant and inspire young and old alike.

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Buying Selling
USD 33.8937 33.9547
EURO 37.6683 37.7362