Aşkenazi Sinagogu (Ashkenazi Synagogue)

The Ashkenazi Synagogue was built by Ashkenazi Jews from Austria in 1909 around the Galata Tower and remains in active use to this day.

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Banker Sok. No:10, Karaköy

Phone +90 212 243 69 09

The Ashkenazi Synagogue was built by Ashkenazi Jews from Austria in 1909 around the Galata Tower and remains in active use to this day. With a dome painted to resemble shining stars and its chandeliers brought from Vienna, the synagogue borrows a number of influences from Islamic motifs and its architecture evokes a typical Ottoman summer palace.

The synagogue continues to preserve Ashkenazi traditions and remains a site of religious ceremony. The synagogue can be visited weekday mornings during prayers and on Saturday mornings for Shabbat prayers.

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USD 33.8937 33.9547
EURO 37.6683 37.7362